Tuesday, December 30, 2008

So I Guess I Can't Go Running Through My Neighborhood, Anymore

So sometime last week, I forget which day it was, I tried to go for a jog through my neighborhood. Yeah, I was that bored.
And it was too freaking cold and I felt like I was going to throw up.
It sucked.
But then, on my way home I passed by the weird lady filling in for our usual mailman. (He has a batman tattoo on his leg and a batman license plate on his truck...it's awesome...we call him "Batman".) And evidently, since I was wearing a shirt that said "MARINES' on it and had my key chain containing a dog tag around my neck, ( my sister bought the tag at some thrift store in Charlotte. I looked the guy up, turns out he was killed in action, so I put his tag on my key chain) this woman thought I was in the marines. She walked up to me, and was like, "I really appreciate what y'all are doing over there, and I don't feel like you get enough respect and support." Very confused, I responded with, "Uhh...you mean at Mykonos?" And she replied with, "Sure, if that's where you're stationed". (I guess she thought mykonos was in Iraq.) I didn't realize what she was talking about until 5 minutes later, when I saw my reflection in the side of a car I was running past, and laughed my butt off.
People probably thought I was crazy.
Oh well.
I figured I'd give it another shot today, and was evidently mistaken again, because I unknowingly wore the same Marine Corps t-shirt, and was saluted by a police officer.
I got a little warm, since it's a nice day out, so I ditched the t-shirt.
Big mistake.
Some weird old Latina lady in a Buick drove by me really slow and stared at me.
Twelve times.
I felt like I was going to throw up, again.
I think I'm going to give up running.
For good.
Whatever, I have to go get ready to go to work.
Stay in school and say "no" to drugs.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

My Christmas Break, Thus Far

So Spencer just brought it to my attention that it's been a while since i've posted on here, which is actually pretty true. I wish I could say that I've been too busy to post, but I just haven't really had much blog-worthy stuff happen recently. That plus a dash of lazy and about a gallon of watching unhealthy amounts of football over the break, and you get J.P. not posting anything on his blog. So it seems like the number one small talk question has been, "So how's your winter/Christmas break going?" and honestly mine's been, for the most part anyways, pretty boring. I kicked it off on Friday night with a work sesh at the most delicious, albeit most stressful Greek restaurant in town, went home and fell asleep watching Sports Center and texting. Saturday was actually really cool. I got to church around ten in the A.M. to help pass out clothing/personal hygiene items outside of Urban Ministry. When I got there, there was some guy whom I'd never met before, but simply introduced himself as "Mark". Come to find out, Mark was a guy who had at one time lived on the streets, but was, through the help of some people from Westover, making the transition to living in a house of his own. Mark was one of the most awesome people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. He had a way of speaking to you that made you feel like absolutely everything he said was 100% legit. A rare quality in this day and age. When we got to Urban Ministry, our bus got absolutely swarmed by homeless people, and there was pushing and shoving and a fight almost broke out, but Mark shut all the doors to the bus and took control of the situation. He had everyone form a single line and after that, it went way more smoothly. It really broke my heart, though, when we started to get to the end of the line, and a lot of people didn't get much more than a pair of too-small gloves and a razor without any shaving cream or soap, and it really killed me when a lady with a little girl walked up and got next to nothing. It was kind of discouraging at first, because i thought that, no matter how hard we tried, no matter how much stuff we collected, there would always be those people at the back of the line that were left wanting. But after further reflection, meditation and prayer, it has really pumped me up even more to start collecting more items so that we can go back as soon as possible and hopefully reach some of the people that we missed. It was great to see the people who really saw Christ working through us. The ones that felt Christ's love oozing out of a mini-bus full of high school kids who decided to not sleep in obscenely late on a Saturday morning, so that they could share that awesome love with the downtrodden people of the city that I love. Needless to say that I'm really freaking glad that all the folks who came out to help did.
Sunday was alright, even though it was pretty boring. I felt like dressing semi-nice that day, so i threw on a dressy-type shirt, some khaki pants, dress shoes and headed off to church, where i got a surprising amount of compliments on my choice of garb that morning, which was pretty cool. I mean who doesn't like being told they look fly? That's what I thought. After church, I went and got a much-needed, even though wayyy over-priced haircut from a lady that smelled like Goodwill. (Cigarette smoke, dust, and mildew, for those who have never graced the aisles of this particular awesome however dirty store.) After that, i washed the irritating little pseudo-hairs out of my scalp, and chilled for the rest of the afternoon, until i watched a very disappointing Panthers game. :[
Monday was also pretty boring until a little after lunch time, when i went with the lovely and talented Ms. Bonnie Shaw, so that she could help me finish up my Christmas shopping at the oh-so-classy Four Seasons Town Centre. (That's right, the "e" is supposed to come after the "r".) I got some pretty sweet stuff that my loved ones will hopefully appreciate. But even if they don't it's always a blast hanging out with Bonnie, since she tends to add an awkward air to just about anything that happens to me, so it was definitely worth it.
Today was most definitely the most boring of the days of my break thus far, as i did nothing. Literally nothing. I lazed around the house in my very flattering Wester Guilford sweatpants. (They make my tushy look good.) Until the UPS guy came by with a big ol' box o' cheese from my Grandparents. I would have knocked the whole thing out then and there, had it not been adressed to my Dad. Then i went to work, which was really irritating and stressfull, especially when an old woman (not lady) cussed me out for something that was someone else's fault. That is, until Blake Adamson and family dropped in, which made my night. After that, it was pretty sweet. haven't done much in between then and now.
I wrote way more than I thought I had inside of me. (Please, no inappropriate jokes about stuff being "inside of me".)
alright, i guess that's it.
¡Nos vemos!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

DECA Competition

it was awesome.
what more can i say?
lauren and i went in there, sat down, saw our assignment and both let out a simultaneous, "Crap".
our assignment was to design an identity theft protection plan for a 5 star hotel that had recently had a major corporation have their meeting there.
after their meeting, they left all their invoice, receipts and the such in the conference room.
later, another guest came along, and stole the identities of all the ceo's.
it basically boiled down to upgrading all the locks in the hotel, upgrading everything to a digital system, including a guest database from which we would delete our guests' information upon their request at checkout, and training all the employees to better monitor the entire hotel, and how to react appropriately if such a situation did occur again.
we went into the judging room, and the first person i saw was this sweet little old lady, so i thought we were good.
we had some mean-looking middle-aged man, who, had a way of looking at me that made me feel like whatever i said was the complete opposite of what i should be saying.
i assumed we wouldn't win anything, because i thought i had screwed it up for the both of us, but turns out we were both acknowledged for our test scores as well as our role play, and ended up placing 3rd in our event overall.
it was freaking awesome.
but after we received our trophies, medals and plaques, the judges told us that we had tied dead-on with Nick Mahaffey's team, and so they split up the awards, giving each team on e trophy and one plaque, thus each person only receiving one item.
i was pretty pissed but they said that they were going to mail the other items later, so that's straight.
and if i had to tie with someone, i'm glad it was at least a friend of mine.
i had intended to get some Christmas shopping done at hanes mall during our lunch break, but ended up not finding anythinng for anyone, but instead buying myself an Appalachian hat.
i always do that.
i go into a store with the full intent of buying someone for someone else, and end up buying myself a bunch of crap.
oh well.
all in all, it was an awesome day and an awesome experience and i'm glad that i was able to participate in it.
that's it.
matlock out.

Monday, December 15, 2008

My Dream From Saturday Night

so i fell asleep watching anchorman on saturday night.
whether or not that has any correlation to the weirdest dream ever, i have no clue, but it seemed worth stating for that sake of the introduction.
so i dreamt that i, along with about 30 other guys from the core, were all ninjas (stay with me, here) and we all lived in this compound/barracks type set-up.
we were attacked by these enemy ninjas, and we beat them up, and afterward took all their masks off, but one of them turned out to be alex edmiston, whom we thought was on our side, but turned out to be one of their spies, instead. so we kept alex as a p.o.w. and let the other go, for whatever reason.
then a few girls came to visit us, including lindsay adamson, who was downstairs making rice in the middle of the night, when the enemy ninjas attacked again, scaring the living daylights out of lindsay, and causing her to send the rice flying everywhere.
now, for some reason, before going to bed, we had used two-inch rope to tie human-sized ragdolls on top of ourselves, and thus also tying ourselves to our bunks.
the enemy ninjas were fooled by this trickery and beat up the dolls, leaving us behind.
afterwards, there was this one little kid ninja, who was like 8 years old.
he was walking out, when andrew daubin, who had slept through the entire ordeal, woke up, saw the little dude, and freaked out.
mini-ninja started screaming, attracting the attention of his amigos, who then came back in and fought us.
after we beat the snot out of these dudes, andrew had broken his right thumb, index and ring fingers in the mele, which justin hite healed miraculously with a song.
easily one of the weirdest dreams i've ever had.

i love

my mom.
she just spent an hour watching gorrillaz and gogol bordello music videos.

First Post

Alright, so Bonnie convinced me to start up a blog.
I still don't know what i'm really going to write in here, if i even end up keeping up with this, but it's whatever.
i guess i'll start off by talking about my day. (i guess that's what bloggers do)
it was kinda bland. regular day at school, i guess. Burwood's class was boring and confusing as always, the lunch line was long and irritating as always, and Mrs. Gamsby weirded me out with everything she said. You guessed it: as always.
i'm noticing more and more how much difficulty i'm having paying attention, especially during our book discussions in AP English. and then i try to pay closer attention, but i'm focusing so much on paying attention, that i can't focus on what everyone is saying.
i zoned out today, just staring at a light that was coming through the window, and being cast onto the floor. i was trying to remember the lyrics to some yosemite mudflap song. i came to, thinking it had been just a few minutes, but looked up at the clock and realized i had been doing this for twenty minutes.
it kinda sucks.
but after i got through that class, the rest of the day went by pretty quickly.
we are testing our maxes all weekin weight training, but since i won't be there tomorrow, i had to do bench press and squats today. i impressed myself, by benching 165(an increase of 20 lbs) and 205 on squats ( a 40 lb improvement). so that was pretty awesome.
we have DECA district competitions tomorrow, and i don't think i'll do very well, but it's straight because i get a day off from school to work for like 30 minutes and spend the rest of the day at hanes mall.
so not a bad deal, all in all, even though i'm completely unprepared.
i guess that's it.