Monday, May 23, 2011

Greensboro Police Dept.

A lot of you have been asking what happened to me last night to spark some of the things I've been posting on Facebook.
Last night, i met a friend at Kickback Jack's on Battleground Ave, here in Greensboro so we could hang out and watch the Chicago Bulls playoff game.
Not wanting to spend too much money on bar food, i rolled through the Taco Bell drive-thru on the way and sat in my truck at Kickback Jack's and ate my food while jammin out to some Kid Cudi.
As I finished my meal, a GPD squad car drove past me, stopped, threw it in reverse, and the officer exited the vehicle and approached me.
She asked what i was doing just sitting in my truck, and i told her the truth- that i was eating my food, about to head inside and watch the game.
"OK, well we're just making sure you're not waiting for people to leave their cars unattended so you can break into them", she responded. Baffled that she would even think that, i told her, "no" and reiterated what i was truthfully doing.
The officer said that was alright and went about her way.
a few moments later, another squad car rolled up, stopped right in front of me, and this officer asked me what i was doing there. I told her the exact same thing i told the first one, that i was just trying to eat my food so I could go inside and watch this basketball game with my friend.
This officer replied with, "OK, the reason we're asking you is because we smell weed in the air."
I almost laughed at the absurdity of the statement, as the only thing they should have smelled near my truck was cheap tacos and hot sauce.
She asked me to exit my vehicle so she could pat me down and make sure i wasn't holding.
I complied, as i was not in possession of, nor doing anything i shouldn't be.
dissatisfied with the pat-down, she asked to search my vehicle.
growing increasingly irritated by how ridiculous this whole circus show was becoming, I almost didn't notice all the other squad cars pulling up (i counted nine cops in total, not including the ones that rolled through and kept going. nine cops for some kid eating taco bell in his car.)
I agreed to the search because i knew there was nothing illegal inside and if I'd said, "no" they would have had probable cause, called in a warrant, and been searching my car fifteen minutes later anyways, only this time annoyed.
they started searching my car and found a box of spray-paint caps and some markers which i use for my legal art work, but they thought it looked sketchy.
they then found one of my business cards for my company, containing my signature which they perceived as a "graffiti-style signature" and one of my Squatch t-shirts, which they once again thought was used for illegal street art.
they took pictures of my business card and ran the names "Juan Pablo" and "Squatch" through the Vandal Squad database as tho those are the names of graff writers here in Greensboro.
They're not.
I'm not that stupid to slap my government name on the same card with my tag.
So GPD's Vandal Squad now foolishly has two names in their database which have absolutely nothing to do with illegal art.
they tore my truck apart, wasted an hour my my time, and the nine cops that were collectively harassing me, and got nothing out of it.
know why?
So while they're spending all this time hassling me for eating Taco Bell, there were real criminals out there raping and murdering people and getting away with it, because they wasted a considerable chunk of their downtown Police Force on some kid eating in his truck.
I've personally never had a positive experience with a Law Enforcement Authority.
Growing up in my neighborhood, i saw countless neighbors drunkenly beat their wives and GPD did nothing about it.
I grew up across the street from the D.H. Griffin Junkyard and it was a regular occurrence for there to be an explosion in the junkyard that shook the walls of my house. GD would roll through and leave 30 minutes later without any charges pressed.
I had a girlfriend who was sent back into a physically abusive situation with her family because GPD decided she had to stay with her family.
These are the people hired and payed by OUR taxes to "serve and protect" us and they're doing nothing for us.
As long as Old Man Griffin (D.H. Griffin Wrecking Co.) and other such kingpins keep GPD's pockets fat, they're fully complacent watching the people in our community suffer.
WE need change in our Police force.
We need change in the way that our city is run.
But first we need enough people to be as outraged as I am by events such as the ones I've described here and even worse events.
I just wanted to make sure I was doing my part in making my fellow civilians aware of these problems that we are faced with every single day.
I hope you all decide to do the same.