Saturday, January 2, 2010

So This is the New Year....

Holy crap.
2,009 is actually over.
A year ago everything was completely different.
This has seriously been the craziest year of my life.
Both parents lost their jobs, I got denied from every school I applied to, my family relationships and my friendships were put under strains they've never seen before.
I graduated.
I turned 18.
I feel like I finally decided what i want to do with my life.
I think you could say I stuck with last year's resolution- to be real.
I was more honest with people and didn't let them walk all over me as I've had a tendency to do my whole life.
But I think I over-looked the most important relationship in my life.
The one between God and myself.
Once again, I'm not really huge into the whole "New Years resolution" thing, but I suppose if I had to pick one for this year, it'd be to focus more on drawing closer to my Father.
Not that once this year is over, I'll just be like, "Well, now that that's out of the way." and just move on or anything.
It's definitely something that should be an every year sort of thing.
But I'm definitely gonna try and get tight with God and make sure He's a part of every aspect of my life.
Alright, well i guess it's time to get this new year started.
Hopefully it'll teach me as much as the last one did...