Sunday, November 29, 2009


sooo i dunno if y'all are christians or not, chances are not all of you are
but i almost lost a true friend this week.
a brother
but God obviously wanted to keep him here.
and i can't stop praising Him for it.
whether you believe in the promise of Christ or not, go right now-
stop whatever it is you are doing.
facebook can wait thirty seconds.
go to the next room, call up an old friend, do whatever.
just tell someone you love them
maybe somebody you might've had beef with recently
maybe somebody you've lost touch with.
maybe somebody that really needs it.
Lord knows my boy needed it.
just tell them how much they mean to you.
and mean it.
bc you don't know if you'll ever see them again.
i can't imagine what it'd be like spending the rest of my time here on earth if my brother didn't know how much he's meant to me
but imma make sure he and everyone else in my life knows how much they mean to me.
life is short
life is precious
don't waste it
God is love,

1 comment:

  1. you always write such deep stuff i feel like i dont have the right words to respond with. And although my tongue might fail me I feel as if i need to commend your insight, and encourage you in your faith I know the Lord has great plans for you I pray you stay close enough to Him to watch them unfold
    Love your brother in Christ,
