Monday, March 30, 2009

2nd Semester Senior

...Holy crap...
I am a second semester senior.
My senior year is almost over.
My high school career is almost over.
My public schooling as almost over.
Where did the time go?
For so many years I was so excited, so ready to be a senior, to go to college.
Now I'm scared.
ASU mails me my decision letter tomorrow, and I'm absolutely terrified to receive it.
I mean, best case scenario, I got in.
I'm going to Boone to study Marketing and Spanish, just like I want to.
But in that scenario, I'm leaving so much behind.
A small, but warm house- a home.
Parents that love me more than my tiny little hormone-enraged teenage brain can understand.
A hot meal every night.
Teachers that have literally molded me into who I am.
All the people that have watched turn from an annoying, loud little ankle-biter into the annoying, loud young man that I am today.
Worst case scenario, I didn't get in.
I'm staying in Greensboro for at least another few months so I can transfer to app.
I can, at least for a while keep my home, and my hot meals and my loving parents, but all the while experiencing a feeling, however mortal that feeling may be, of being left behind.
feeling like all my peers, my classmates are going somewhere, moving on with their lives...and leaving me in the dust.
I keep having a nightmare of getting my ASU letter, opening it up with a mixed feeling of terror of the unknown, anticipation for the potential, and absolute horror of the worst.
I open up this envelope, and read aloud to all my friends and family members, "Congratulations! You have been granted acceptance to Appalachian State University!...April fools!"
I know this is entirely illogical, but I can't help believing it.
I dunno, I guess we'll cross all these bridges when we get there, but I can't help but feel uneasy.
This was supposed to be extremely short, contrasting to my other, very lengthy, overly-wordy posts in order to emphasize the gravity of my recent realization...but that didn't happen.
Oh well.


  1. whether you get in or not i can say that you will not be left behind
    just going off in a different life adventure

  2. spence, your most recent post kinda inspired me. haha.

  3. i want you here now...

