Monday, December 15, 2008

First Post

Alright, so Bonnie convinced me to start up a blog.
I still don't know what i'm really going to write in here, if i even end up keeping up with this, but it's whatever.
i guess i'll start off by talking about my day. (i guess that's what bloggers do)
it was kinda bland. regular day at school, i guess. Burwood's class was boring and confusing as always, the lunch line was long and irritating as always, and Mrs. Gamsby weirded me out with everything she said. You guessed it: as always.
i'm noticing more and more how much difficulty i'm having paying attention, especially during our book discussions in AP English. and then i try to pay closer attention, but i'm focusing so much on paying attention, that i can't focus on what everyone is saying.
i zoned out today, just staring at a light that was coming through the window, and being cast onto the floor. i was trying to remember the lyrics to some yosemite mudflap song. i came to, thinking it had been just a few minutes, but looked up at the clock and realized i had been doing this for twenty minutes.
it kinda sucks.
but after i got through that class, the rest of the day went by pretty quickly.
we are testing our maxes all weekin weight training, but since i won't be there tomorrow, i had to do bench press and squats today. i impressed myself, by benching 165(an increase of 20 lbs) and 205 on squats ( a 40 lb improvement). so that was pretty awesome.
we have DECA district competitions tomorrow, and i don't think i'll do very well, but it's straight because i get a day off from school to work for like 30 minutes and spend the rest of the day at hanes mall.
so not a bad deal, all in all, even though i'm completely unprepared.
i guess that's it.

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