Monday, December 15, 2008

My Dream From Saturday Night

so i fell asleep watching anchorman on saturday night.
whether or not that has any correlation to the weirdest dream ever, i have no clue, but it seemed worth stating for that sake of the introduction.
so i dreamt that i, along with about 30 other guys from the core, were all ninjas (stay with me, here) and we all lived in this compound/barracks type set-up.
we were attacked by these enemy ninjas, and we beat them up, and afterward took all their masks off, but one of them turned out to be alex edmiston, whom we thought was on our side, but turned out to be one of their spies, instead. so we kept alex as a p.o.w. and let the other go, for whatever reason.
then a few girls came to visit us, including lindsay adamson, who was downstairs making rice in the middle of the night, when the enemy ninjas attacked again, scaring the living daylights out of lindsay, and causing her to send the rice flying everywhere.
now, for some reason, before going to bed, we had used two-inch rope to tie human-sized ragdolls on top of ourselves, and thus also tying ourselves to our bunks.
the enemy ninjas were fooled by this trickery and beat up the dolls, leaving us behind.
afterwards, there was this one little kid ninja, who was like 8 years old.
he was walking out, when andrew daubin, who had slept through the entire ordeal, woke up, saw the little dude, and freaked out.
mini-ninja started screaming, attracting the attention of his amigos, who then came back in and fought us.
after we beat the snot out of these dudes, andrew had broken his right thumb, index and ring fingers in the mele, which justin hite healed miraculously with a song.
easily one of the weirdest dreams i've ever had.


  1. Fantastic story.
    Ninjas make everything better.

  2. Hite can miraculously heal anything with a song. TOTALLY cackled at that line. I think I woke the neighbors.
