Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The Future

I've been thinking a lot recently about my future and where I'm headed in life.
I haven't really accomplished much in doing this, because I have absolutely no clue as to what I want to do.
Okay, I want to go to app state to study marketing, but then what?
There are a million different directions in which one can go with a marketing degree.
Do I want to be a realtor?
Do I want to go into advertising?
Do I want to be some pencil-pushing mid-level marketing consultant for some major corporation that will provide plenty of financial stability and security, but will absolutely strip me of any sort of individuality at my job?
I have no idea.
And that's terrifying.
To not know what the heck you want to do.
Not even just in the context of my career, I have no clue what I'm going to do after I'm too old to Be a student at the core, but too young to be a leader.
It's kind of going to to suck.
The core has been the only place in my life where I've really felt at home, where I've really felt like everyone there truly cares about me.
some of the best friends I've ever had, I met at the core.
I don't know if it'll be easy for me to make friends at college, regardless of how many of mine are already planning on going to app, and no matter what they tell you, everyone is afraid that they won't be able to connect with anyone at their new school.
Like my last post, this one doesn't really have a point or even an ending.
There's no ending to this post because I wrote it out of confusion, just trying to get my jumbled thoughts in order.
Not sure if it really did that, but it's whatever.
I'm bored at school and had a lot on my mind that I needed to try and figure out.
There's also no end, because there isn't an end to the confusion and uncertainty that I seem to be experiencing.
whatever, help period is almost over.

1 comment:

  1. "Whats Next"
    Mindless worry
    He feels so dumb.
    Thinking what's left undone.

    Right now doesn't matter much,
    it's all about what's next.
    This is not to say,
    not to enjoy the ride,
    nor is it to say,
    to not even try.

    It's simply to say,
    don't stress too much,
    or you will be too exhausted,
    too worn out for what's next.
    -Kevin Palcsak-

    I hope you take this poem as it is ment to be taken you are a smart man i think you will, I felt like your expressing alot and you got me to open up a little myself
    thanks man hope you like this poem
