Friday, January 2, 2009

I Give Up

Whatever, dude.
I give up on the womenfolk.
Every time I try and start something with a lady friend, I usually end up screwing myself over in some way, shape or form.
I get too into her and she doesn't reciprocate and then I make it known to her that I'm interested and she tells me that she doesn't reciprocate and then it's awkward and then we have a short falling out which seems to suck for me a lot more than it does for her and I'm left standing there looking like an idiot.
Either that, or she was at one time interested and the window of opportunity opens and I don't have the balls to do anything about it, and then it shuts and I'm still there looking like an even bigger idiot.
It wouldn't be so bad if I had never been able to get things right.
But I was, believe it or not, at one time, somewhat not terrible when it came to women.
But now, for some reason, whenever I talk to one that I'm remotely interested in, I get all nervous and either make a fool out of myself, or I can't seem to even say a single word, and then it's really awkward.
and if I do somehow manage to not make a complete fool out of myself immediately, then one of the above situations happens.
And it sucks.
I'm done.
I'm done being rejected by any girl that isn't either mentally unstable or over 50 years old.
I'm done looking like an idiot.
I'm done making poor decisions with females.
I'm done missing opportunities.
But most of all, I'm done feeling inadequate because I, for some reason unknown to me, just can't seem to get things right with women.
No one needs that crap.
whatever, dude.
I'm just freaking done.
sorry if I bore/piss off/irritate anyone that's reading this, but I had some stuff I needed to get off my chest.


  1. dude i feel you.
    Definitely agree

  2. dude!
    girls are confusing
    but don't give up on them :)

  3. Don't give up, just don't put to much time and effort looking. They'll come to you. Don't feel like you need a girl to be valued.
